You love your business, and your clients love you... but your current social media vibe feels a little 


Your days are packed and as much as you want to post amazing content on Instagram and have your phone blowing up with notifications, you have no idea what to say. You wish you could read your audience’s minds and understand what you need to post for them to take action.

You’re constantly reaching people you know aren’t your target audience. You wish your comments were full of paying customers (instead of only other business owners cheering you on!). It’s rough out here.

Your feet hurt. Your brain hurts. Social media is the pesky younger sibling who keeps poking you and asking for attention - you feel like you can never get ahead. And your content barely gets seen so what’s the point anyways? You know how to make the content… but you get stuck thinking of new things to say all the time. So, you just don’t say anything at all.


You want to be ahead of the game with a solid content calendar so you can “show up” without burning out - but you are barely posting 3 times a week let alone scheduling weeks in advance. 

You plop down onto your couch after a good (but long) day and open up Instagram to check on your messages - you see that little heart in the right hand corner pop up - 47 likes on your latest post.

You head to the comment section and start to reply to your ideal customers who are loving your content lately - you can’t remember the last time you had weeks of content scheduled out, let alone content that was actually getting engagement.

After a few minutes you put your phone down and disconnect - the Office episode where Dwight sets the office on fire is already cued up. Michael screams “everyone stay calm!” and for once, you already are. 

Take your Instagram vibes from stuck to strategic.



✸ Finally understand your audience in ways you’ve never been able to before

✸ Create content that speaks to them and fills your calendar with dream clients

✸ Rely on your clear content plan and a bank of content ideas that grow your community and sales

✸ Keep posting and ghosting and hoping your audience magically understands you and your offers 

✸ Throw out content ideas because you saw it work for someone else and share your booking link to crickets 

✸ Keep reinventing the wheel and second-guessing what to say every time you go to post on Instagram 

You’re about to be Taylor-Travis-level obsessed with your custom social media game plan.

put me in coach


Your personal social media game plan so you never get stuck doom scrolling looking for ideas again

Bite-sized video trainings + guided workbook

Work through the content at your own pace knowing you have guidance every step of the way.

A concrete plan that works for YOU and YOUR business

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. You’ll build a plan that fits your goals, your capacity, and your life. 

Templates and worksheets to take your content from ideas to planned 

Staring at a blank Canva screen having no idea where to even start? We don’t know her anymore.

Social Goals

Social Goals

Social Goals

Social Goals

Social Goals

Build a FUN  and EFFECTIVE  social media game plan

So you can actually enjoy social media. Instead of just hate-scrolling while watching Love is Blind.


Module 3: Content planning

Module 2: Core Content

Get to know your people like never before. You’ll learn how to know what you should be posting, who your audience is, and what they care about. 

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” - Taylor Swift. It's time to actually make a content calendar. AKA your social media game plan that will save you more time and make you more money.

You’ll create your core content pillars so that you can create content effortlessly and make readers excited to take action on the content you post (instead of liking it and scrolling away).

i want a fun and effective plan!


✸ Aren’t sure you want to grow your business and have no interest in developing a social media presence (no hard feelings)

✸ Are a social media expert and brand messaging specialist who knows your core content themes like the back of your hand (pop off, queen)

✸ You enjoy randomly posting random reels and memes on your Instagram and then saying nothing for a few weeks and don’t want to get strategic or organized (you do you)


✸ Are a service provider who loves working with clients and wants to love posting on socials

✸ Already know the basics of instagram but get stuck on what to say that will actually make an impact in your business

✸ Want to post consistently on instagram in a way that feels effortless and represents who you really are online

"Jump in. You will spend way more money on things that you would find less helpful. No matter what type of business you have, she will be able to help you see where you fit in to all of this. There was a wide variety of businesses in my cohort and I think we all felt supported through the process."

"Kat is very knowledgeable and doesn't just throw around a bunch of industry jargon!"

Julia, jwalsh social, social goals grad
Social Goals has a #bigreputation
Social Goals has a #bigreputation​​

You have what it takes to succeed on social

You just need a plan. The support of an expert in your corner. Someone cheering you on and giving you the training you need. 


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Social Goals

Social Goals

Social Goals

Social Goals

Social Goals

My mission is to help you own your role as your business’ marketing director you can actually (and have some dang FUN while doing it!)
I love working with small town small businesses because, at my core, I’m a small-town person who loves the simpler things in life. Like seeing the stars at night, watching football on Sundays, and having dance parties with my kids after supper. 

That’s why I left the big-time, big-city advertising industry in Toronto and moved to a small town to start my business and my family. And then, 5 years later, moved out to the country to live surrounded by trees in my tiny community. 

With over a decade of marketing experience, I know social media can be not just tolerable but FUN and EFFECTIVE!

I’ve made it happen for hundreds of small-town small businesses. And it’s exactly why I built a #SocialGoals - to give you your game plan so you can ditch the clowns and get the crown. 

Your Social Media BFF

hey, I'm kat!


you, 6 days from now

It’s Thursday night and you can’t believe tomorrow is Friday already. Thursday used to make your stomach lurch because as soon as you started to wind down you’d realized you hadn’t posted on Instagram that week (again) and those feelings of guilt and “not enough” ruined your weekend before it even started.

You think back on that time and give past you a squeeze. It’s so different now.

You know exactly what to post. You know your audience. Your story. And what makes you, you. Your content flows- honestly your whole business is flowing these days. Self-high five. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is social goals for me?

Every business needs a social media game plan. Whether you’re an online business owner or you’re running a brick-and-mortar, you’ll learn to create a social media plan that works for your business.


You'll get instant access to the bite-sized video trainings and step-by-step workbook. It will take you less than an hour to complete the training. Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?


You’ll create your own social media game plan based on the Kat's signature uses frameworks. The short and sweet (and super valuable) video lessons will walk you through your workbook. Before you know it, you'll have your game plan set and your content calendar ready to go.

Social Goals? More fun. Less stress. That’s the way social media should be.

GET YOUR GAME PLAN & get on a winning streak

You don’t need another trending audio or a better hashtag. You need a game plan. And you deserve the peace a personalized game plan brings.

Small-biz-specific social media tips delivered straight to your inbox

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